The Business of Giving
Cape Cod Life / November/December 2023 / People & Businesses
Writer: Leslie Hatton
The Business of Giving

Cape Cod Life / November/December 2023 / People & Businesses
Writer: Leslie Hatton
Cape Cod’s own John F. Kennedy once paraphrased a parable and said, “For of those to whom much is given, much is required.” The Cape is home to several businesses who not only acknowledge this, but who are actively involved in promoting a culture of empathy by maximizing partnerships within our community and fostering generosity toward others. These local organizations are leaders in the business of giving back and we’re in awe of their charitable nature.
Addison Art Gallery
“People come from across the globe to visit the stunningly beautiful and vibrant world that is Cape Cod. Some of us are blessed to call this place home. As a resident and owner of a cultural business, it is my responsibility and privilege to help meet our neighbors’ needs as well as to support what makes this place special,” says Addison Art Gallery owner Helen Addison. Giving back is woven into everything they do at the Orleans gallery, with multiple benefits held each year for recipients that range from environmental groups such as the Orleans Pond Coalition to health and wellbeing nonprofits that include the Cape Wellness Collaborative, Helping Our Women, and the Homeless Prevention Council. An experienced foster parent, Addison is compelled to contribute to Cape Cod Foster Closet, an organization that provides clothing, shoes, toys, books, formula and car seats as well as a new duffel bag or backpack for each child. Addison remarks, “I am grateful for our collectors, they allow Addison Art Gallery to be a positive force in this community.”

Agway of Cape Cod
Enriching the lives of both Cape Codders and the animals they love has been the cornerstone of Agway of Cape Cod for 30 years....Want to read this article and more?
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