
A Place for Tomorrow

Cape Cod Home  /  Annual Home 2023 /

Writer: Leslie Hatton / Photographer: Jennifer Kain DeFoe 

A Place for Tomorrow


Cape Cod Home  /  Annual Home 2023 /

Writer: Leslie Hatton / Photographer: Jennifer Kain DeFoe 

Design, detail and dedication to how a space works, ensures a home for the future.

For those of us that are lucky to be aging, we know that this also comes with its fair share of daily challenges: stairs that are getting harder to climb and descend, a washer machine and dryer that are located on another floor, a shower that is tricky to step in and out of—these are just a few of the common daily concerns that a growing number of us face. In fact, according to The World Health Organization, a demographic change has taken place over time, which has resulted in “increasing numbers and proportions of people who are over 60.” The costs associated with assisted living facilities or nursing homes are daunting, and relocating to somewhere entirely new can be stressful as well as frightening.

Thankfully, there are professionals like C.J. Riley who can assist with these issues that cause unease and help us remain in our communities and homes where familiarity breeds comfort. “You want someone who is compassionate, but who also has the right experience and can help you plan and adapt for whatever issues you are centered around now at this point in your life.” Riley remembers a time before his own mother passed when some of her concerns involved maintaining her dignity, “It was almost that she was embarrassed about some of these things.” These memories of her are ones that he carries with him and help him approach potential clients now with a certain level of understanding. 

One recent project he and his team worked on involved custom building an addition that was handicapped accessible to an existing century old home. The ocean view addition...

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Leslie Hatton

Leslie (Horne) Hatton enthusiastically joined Cape Cod Life in October of 2022. Educated in Mashpee and Falmouth, she graduated from Assumption College and received her Master of Education degree from Lesley College. A former teacher, she has taught middle school, preschool and most recently, fifth grade. She and her husband Tom have three children: Aidan, Colin, and Erin. Their newest family member is Millie, an outgoing, outrageously happy chocolate lab. She loves to talk about all of them so better not ask. One neat tidbit about Leslie is that she is the author of the locally best-selling children’s book Cape Cod ABCs, with over 10K books sold on Cape Cod, the Islands and across Massachusetts. Happiest in the summer with a little sun on her face, she loves being with friends and her family, laughing, drinking and eating all over beautiful Cape Cod.