Artist Profile: Roberta Anslow
Cape Cod Art / ART Annual 2022 / Art & Entertainment
Writer: Christina Galt / Photographer: Roberta Anslow
Artist Profile: Roberta Anslow

Cape Cod Art / ART Annual 2022 / Art & Entertainment
Writer: Christina Galt / Photographer: Roberta Anslow
According to Harvard Health Publishing, the myth of left vs. right sides of the brain is simply that: a myth. For local photographer Roberta Anslow, discrediting that myth is something she has done simply by changing her career path.
With a degree in computer science, Anslow began her career in high-tech. “Throughout my career, I’ve always had some hand in art–just through a different perspective dabbling in graphic design and marketing,” says Anslow. “I’ve always had an interest in art, it just wasn’t something I was confident I could do.”

About ten years ago, after asking for a camera for Christmas, Anslow was gifted a DSLR camera by her family. “Becoming a photographer was never a conscious decision,” notes Anslow. “It was more so the thought of getting into photography, putzing around taking photographs of birds and wildlife.” After getting the hang of it, Anslow started collecting lenses and honing her craft. “I began to post my photographs outside of my cubical at my office to get feedback and even started to enter a few shows.”
After purchasing a couple of printers, Anslow taught herself the process of printing her work on canvas. “I really wanted to teach myself this process because I wasn’t getting the results I wanted by sending them out for someone else to print,” explains Anslow. Since then, she’s started to print her work on a variety of medium. “I prefer creating large photos on canvas or aluminum–big pieces, statement pieces–so I keep this in mind when I’m shooting. I also enjoy creating custom triptychs if the photograph works.” ...Want to read this article and more?
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