Devil in the Details
Cape Cod Life / September/October 2023 / People & Businesses
Writer: Hannah Eaton
Devil in the Details

Cape Cod Life / September/October 2023 / People & Businesses
Writer: Hannah Eaton
Small craft brewery Devil’s Purse Brewing Co. creates partnerships and collaborations that expand their brand.

Devil’s Purse Brewing Co. in South Dennis is one of the premier breweries on the Cape, and aside from their well-loved beers that are known prominently among this coastal community, their recent collaborations with local businesses have created a strong network of independent companies with shared passions.
Mike Segerson developed the original recipes while home brewing, and in 2015 opened the brewery. With Tim Reilly who came on as co-owner and head of operations in 2018, their signature brew, the Handline Kölsch, launched them into distinction and drew legions of new fans to visit the brewery. Today, hundreds of restaurants and businesses across the Cape and coastal Massachusetts feature Devil’s Purse on tap.
Early into their reign of local brewery legend, Devil’s Purse began their first cross-business collaboration with Chatham Shellfish Company, making an Intertidal Oyster Stout. Year after year, this stout has been re-issued and continues to be a stand-out favorite from the brewery.
“It just clicked,” says Reilly. After the product made a splash, the door opened for more ideas.
“We will meet people, or I’ll be introduced to something that they’re making and want to work with them or learn more about their business or figure out what we can do with them,” says Reilly. This model has led to key products for the company, including the multiple joint efforts with Snowy Owl Coffee Roasters. The Good Mud Black Lager and Clarity Nitro Pale Ale use Snowy Owl cold extract, provided by the roastery. The beers are bestsellers for the brewery, and Snowy Owl in return serves Devil’s Purse beer at their events. ...Want to read this article and more?
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