Field Trips: Nov. 27th — Jan. 17th
Cape Cod Home / Winter 2015 / Art & Entertainment, Food & Dining, People & Businesses
Writer: Cape Cod Life Publications
Field Trips: Nov. 27th — Jan. 17th

Cape Cod Home / Winter 2015 / Art & Entertainment, Food & Dining, People & Businesses
Writer: Cape Cod Life Publications
Decorating Tidings Weekend

Circle these dates on your holiday calendar for a festive time of holiday decorations, handmade gifts from Highfield Hall in Falmouth’s elegant gift gallery, visits from Santa, and more. The festivities are held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, visit highfieldhallandgardens.org.
Through DECEMBER 30
Holiday festivities get underway at the Sandwich Glass Museum in mid-November and run through December 30, as the museum presents its sixth annual Glassblowers’ Christmas. Hundreds of unique ornaments made by the region’s finest glass artists will adorn Christmas trees in the museum’s contemporary gallery. The ornaments are for sale. Located at 129 Main Street, the museum is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The holiday season on Nantucket is a magical time. Festivities begin the day after Thanksgiving with the annual Christmas Tree Lighting and community caroling. From December 4 to 6, the island hosts its traditional Christmas Stroll event. Don’t miss this quintessential yuletide experience as the downtown’s cobblestone roads are filled with illuminated fir trees, strolling minstrels, and a town crier. Santa arrives by boat on Friday, December 4, to kick-start this holiday tradition. The fun continues through January 2, and many shops remain open through the New Year. Learn more at nantucketchamber.org.
Heritage Museums & Gardens’ annual “Gardens Aglow” event is a tradition not to be missed. Featuring nine miles of holiday lights illuminated throughout the gardens, a stunning model train exhibit, music and dance performances, arts, crafts and carousel rides, this month-long event in Sandwich offers something for every member of the family. Gardens Aglow kicks off Friday, November 27, and is held Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, through December 27, from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Learn more at heritagemuseumsandgardens.org.
Stop by the Green Briar Nature Center and Jam Kitchen, November 28-29, December 5-6, 12-13, and 20-21, and enjoy “A Country Christmas.” Sample a cup of mulled cider and other tasty items while perusing a variety of holiday gifts. Located at 6 Discovery Hill Road in East Sandwich, the Green Briar shop offers jams, jellies, relishes, books and nature-related items as well as games, puppets and toys. The center is open Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sundays, from 12-4 p.m.
Celebrate the season with visits from Santa, a tree lighting and caroling during Orleans’ Seaside Christmas. The month-long event includes activities from Sunday, November 29, through Thursday, December 31. The town-wide celebration includes discount shopping and holiday treats at shops, galleries and restaurants around Orleans. Learn more at orleanscapecod.org.
NOVEMBER 21 and 28
Pastiche of Cape Cod, 1595 Main Street in West Barnstable, hosts its annual Christmas Wreath Workshops on Saturdays, November 21 and 28. The two-hour workshops run from 10 a.m. to noon, and noon to 2 p.m. The cost of each workshop is $69 and all supplies and materials used in the class are provided. Also, be on the lookout for Pastiche’s “Sailor Valentine Workshop,” which is scheduled for January 30-31 and February 6-7. For more information, visit pasticheofcapecod.com, or call 508-362-8006.
Each year the Cotuit Center for the Arts seeks submissions for the annual Member, Student and Faculty exhibit. One work may be submitted and will be featured in this exhibit. The opening reception is December 1 from 5 to 7 p.m. There is an annual members talent show immediately following the reception. For more information, visit cotuitcenterforthearts.org.
Celebrate the Fresh and Festive with Hyannis Country Garden in a full month of holiday activities, including several hands-on workshops and demonstrations. Wednesday, December 2 at 3 p.m. learn how to make a boxwood tree during a FREE demonstration and if you wish to make your own boxwood tree, return to the West Main Street nursery on Sunday, December 6 at 1 p.m. for a make-and-take boxwood workshop ($35.00). Boxwood greenery, floral foam oasis, a dish, and other materials as well as complete instructions will be provided. For more information, call 508 775-8703, or visit HyannisCountryGarden.com.
DECEMBER 3 to 17
Join Casabella Home Furnishings’ design staff at the shop on Route 6A In East Sandwich for Martini Mix & Mingle holiday fun featuring after-hours shopping, seasonal design ideas, and tasty cocktails on Thursday evenings from 5 to 8 p.m. Enjoy never-seen-before holiday décor and design inspiration—with a twist! Find something for everyone on your gift list with complimentary gift-wrapping provided. For more information, visit casabellahomefurnishings.com.
Brewster’s annual holiday celebration begins with an illumination ceremony at 4 p.m. on Friday, December 4, at Drummer Boy Park, 773 Main Street. The day’s activities include a sing-along, tours of the Windmill Village, warm cocoa and treats. The fun continues Saturday, December 5, as children can participate in a snowman contest with the chance to win a “kid friendly” gift card. Also on December 5, the Eddy Elementary School, 2298 Main Street, hosts a holiday arts and crafts show from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Provincetown rings in the season in its own unique way with the annual Holly Folly Weekend. Held Friday to Sunday, December 4-6, Holly Folly includes a Jingle Bell Run and Barefoot Champagne Brunch complete with a Speedo Run through the center of town. The Speedo Run is held Saturday, December 5, and steps off from Fanizzi’s at 9:30 a.m. Runners complete the one-mile route—some wearing their favorite speedo—to The Crown & Anchor, where a Barefoot Brunch Champagne is held. Other activities include dance parties, a sing-along, drag bingo, and plenty of shopping around town. Learn more at ptown.org.
Stop by the JFK Hyannis Museum, 397 Main Street, and check out the unique decorations that comprise the 2015 “Spectacle of Trees.” A number of local non-profits, including the National Marine Life Center, Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, and the Marstons Mills Public Library have decorated the trees—many with gifts on and beneath them. Visitors can view the trees Friday to Saturday, December 4-12, and support the organizations involved by donating “tree bucks,” which will enter them into a chance to win the trees. The more one donates, the greater the chance to win. All funds raised will go to local non-profits. Learn more at capecodcharitablefunraisers.com.
This holiday season, the Cape Codder Resort & Spa, 1225 Iyannough Road in Hyannis, will be transformed into an enchanted village featuring glittering lights, holiday displays, and a 32-foot tabletop Christmas Village with model trains, houses and more. Mr. Claus himself will even stop by on weekend evenings. The display is free and open to the public; however, donations of toys and non-perishable foods will be accepted. Learn more at capecodderresort.com.
DECEMBER 4 to 6, 11 to 13
Elements Theatre Company of Orleans is performing William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice two weekends this fall: Friday to Sunday, December 4 to 6, and 11 to 13. The Friday and Saturday shows begin at 7:30 p.m. Sunday’s matinee performances begin at 3 p.m., and are followed by a panel discussion. The show will be performed at Paraclete House at The Community of Jesus, 5 Bay View Drive, Orleans. For tickets and additional information about the show, visit elementstheatre.org, or call 508-240-2400.
First Congregational Church, 329 Main Street (Route 6A) in Yarmouthport hosts its annual “All Church Christmas Fair” Saturday, December 5, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The fair features baked goods, holiday cookies, homemade donuts, apple pies, coffee and other treats. Attendees can browse through Christmas wreaths, arrangements and greens, holiday crafts, decorations, and more. Proceeds from the fair support charities in the Mid-Cape area. For more information, call 508-258-0696.
DECEMBER 5 to 13
Falmouth Museums on the Green, 55 Palmer Avenue in Falmouth, hosts a “Christmas Traditions” event Saturday to Sunday, December 5 to 13, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour the historic 1790 Dr. Francis Wicks House, which is decorated for the season by the Falmouth Garden Club, each room presenting a different holiday tradition. Historic dollhouses will also be on display! In addition, a special family night complete with a visit from Santa Claus is held Saturday, December 5, from 4 to 8 p.m. Admission costs $5. For more information, visit museumsonthegreen.org.
Hosted by Nauset High, 100 Cable Road, Eastham, the Winter Festival will be held Saturday, December 5, at 9 a.m., featuring performances from the school’s musical ensembles as well as a bake sale, craft fair, and tree sale. Funds raised will benefit the music department’s upcoming trip to Ireland. For more information, visit nausetschools.org.
Sponsored by the Eastham Chamber of Commerce and Gift Barn, Eastham’s Holiday Festival is a great way to get in the holiday spirit on the Outer Cape. Held Saturday, December 5, this event draws hundreds of visitors each year and includes a visit with Santa at the Gift Barn, 4180A State Highway, North Eastham, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. From there, visitors can board a trolley to the Orleans-Eastham Elks Lodge to create holiday crafts, have their faces painted, and more. For more information, visit easthamchamber.com.
Casabella Home Furnishings of East Sandwich and Consider the Lilies of Duxbury will delight visitors to the charming Route 6A shop with a signature collection of holiday floral arrangements and wreaths, perfect for your own home, or for gift-giving. In the spirit of the season, a portion of all proceeds will go to the American Heart Association. Saturday hours; 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday hours; noon to 5 p.m. For more information, visit casabellahomefurnishings.com.
Don your most festive holiday attire while running in the annual Falmouth Jingle Jog 5K and Elf Run on Saturday, December 5. Open to children under 12, the Elf Run is a one-half mile course and the event begins at 9 a.m. The Jingle Jog kicks off at 9:30 a.m. from the Marina Park Band Shell on Scranton Avenue. Learn more at falmouthchamber.com.
Get in the holiday spirit with a visit to Taylor-Bray Farm in Yarmouthport. The farm hosts a holiday festival Saturday and Sunday, December 5-6, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The barn is filled with homemade baked goods, beach plum jelly, centerpieces and various other crafts, all made by volunteers. The farmhouse will be open to visitors and a hearth cooking demonstration will be offered. The farm is at 108 Bray Farm Road in North Yarmouthport. For more information, visit taylorbrayfarm.org.
Don’t miss the chance to see Santa’s arrival at the Chatham Fish Pier. A Coast Guard vessel carrying Old Saint Nick will pull into the fish pier Sunday, December 6, at 1:30 p.m. Santa will then be escorted to the Chatham Community Center, 702 Main Street, for a visit with children. Learn more at chathaminfo.com.
Sandwich’s Holiday Home Tours have become a favorite annual tradition. On Sunday, December 6, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., participants can tour historic B&Bs, inns, and private homes. Docents will be on site to present each home or building’s history and point out architectural details and unique furnishings. Learn more at sandwichchamber.org.
DECEMBER 9 to 13
Cape Cod firefighters and police officers will be camping out at various locations around Cape Cod this holiday season to collect toys for the Toys for Tots program, donations of food for local food pantries, and cash donations for the respective communities. Begun in 2002 by firefighters from the Bourne Fire Department in conjunction with Pixy 103 radio station, the effort is spreading across the Cape and many fire and police departments are getting involved. In Bourne, firefighters, police officers, Pixy103 staff members and others will be camped out for 103 consecutive hours—from Wednesday to Sunday, December 9 to 13—at The Bay Motor Inn, at 223 Main Street in Buzzards Bay. Mashpee’s camp-out collection will take place at the Mashpee rotary (538 Falmouth Road); Falmouth’s will be held at 587 Main Street, Falmouth. Cotuit’s collection will take place at the St. Vincent De Paul Society, 4463 Falmouth Road, Cotuit; Yarmouth’s will take place at Our Lady of the Highway Church, 1044 Route 28 in South Yarmouth, and Harwich’s will take place at Brooks Park in Harwich Center. Additional towns may also be involved this year. For more information on any of these efforts, send an email to homelessfortheholidays@mail.com, or call 617-224-8993.
Put on your best holiday attire and head to Highfield Hall for the annual Highfield Hall Holiday Ball. More details on this ever popular event coming soon—visit highfieldhallandgardens.org.
DECEMBER 11 to 12
Celebrate the holiday season in scenic Chatham. Taken right from a Currier & Ives greeting card, Chatham’s Christmas Stroll commences Friday, December 11, at 5:45 p.m., with a parade and caroling along Main Street. A tree lighting ceremony at 6 p.m. and a bell ringing performance follows. The festivities continue on Saturday, December 12, at 8:30 a.m., as the Wayside Inn, 512 Main Street, hosts a breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus. For more information on these events, visit Chathaminfo.com.
Hyannis Country Garden holds two holiday bow make-and-take workshops ($10) on Saturday and Sunday at 1 p.m. when ribbons, all supplies, and complete instructions are provided giving participants a beautiful holiday bow to decorate a wreath, a table decoration, or a package for that special gift. For more information, visit HyannisCountryGarden.com.
The Mashpee Christmas Parade is an annual event in Mashpee has become a favorite among residents and visitors. The festivities on Saturday, December 12, include a parade, which kicks off at 5:30 p.m., and runs through Mashpee Commons and out to South Cape Village. For more information, visit mashpeechamberchristmasparade.com.
Tour a selection of local homes and do some holiday shopping along the way as part of a West Falmouth house tour. Held Sunday, December 13, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., this tour includes visits to historic and contemporary homes in Falmouth. For more information, visit westfalmouthlibrary.org.
DECEMBER 16, 19, and 20
Learn how to make a stunning holiday centerpiece by attending a free demonstration at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, December 16 at Hyannis Country Garden followed by two make-and-take workshops on Saturday, December 19 and Sunday, December 20 at 1 p.m. when you will be provided with greens, flowers, a candle, additional supplies and instructions to create your own centerpiece for holiday entertaining ($30). For more information, call 508 775-8703, or visit HyannisCountryGarden.com.
On Thursday, December 31, Sandwich’s First Night festivities begin at 4 p.m. and include a parade, ice sculptures, children’s crafts, food vendors, and a grand finale countdown. This non-alcoholic event offers something for everyone. The festivities conclude at 10 p.m. Learn more at firstnightsandwich.com.
Chatham celebrates its 25th First Night celebration on New Year’s Eve. This “Silver Jubilee” celebration begins Thursday, December 31, at 12:30 p.m., and offers face-painting, horse-drawn carriage rides, a parade, and more! The evening ends with a fireworks display. For more information, visit firstnightchatham.com.
Join artist and photographer Bruce Childs for a two-day, hands-on workshop. At the Long Pasture Wildlife Sanctuary, workshop participants will delve into the antique processes of Cyanotype and Van Dyke printing with the goal of making museum quality prints. The workshop will feature sessions in the field as well as critique of work in progress. Photographers of all levels welcome. Participants should use their own digital cameras and are urged to have some knowledge of photo editing software. The workshop is limited to 15. Registration is required. Audubon members: $195; non-members: $235. For more information, visit massaudubon.org/get-outdoors/wildlife-sanctuaries/long-pasture, or call 508 362-7475.