
Good Things in LIFE: The Kindness Rocks Project

Cape Cod Life  /  April/May 2022 /

Writer: Christina Galt

Good Things in LIFE: The Kindness Rocks Project


Cape Cod Life  /  April/May 2022 /

Writer: Christina Galt

Changing People’s Lives One Message at a Time

Want to join the movement? For every kit purchased, one kit is donated to the local nonprofit Happy Hope Factory. To date, The Kindness Rocks Project has donated over 6,000 kits.

The Kindness Rocks Project started at a point in my life when I was extremely busy,” explains founder Megan Murphy. “I had a business here on the Cape with three different retail locations. It was doing fantastic and yet I realized that pursuit no longer brought me any joy.” After making the difficult decision to let that go, Murphy found herself on a journey to find what would truly make her happy. “I started walking the beach and would find these amazing heart shaped rocks that I thought were uplifting messages from the universe. They added these special moments to my day that made me realize there is so much joy to be found in the little things.”

One day, while Murphy was walking Sandy Neck Beach, she picked up a rock and noticed she happened to have a magic marker in her pocket, she thought, “Maybe I can write a few messages on these rocks for other people and it would have the same effect for them, as my heart shaped rocks have for me.” 

For the past 8 years, Murphy and The Kindness Rocks Project have been bringing beachgoers little moments of joy and inspiration. “We could always use more kindness,” notes Murphy. “One rock at just the right moment can change somebody’s entire day or even their outlook on life.” Today, The Kindness Rocks Project can be found in over 90 countries. “I think the mission to bring more...

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Christina Galt

Christina Galt is the Digital Editor at Cape Cod Life Publications. Born and raised on the Cape, Christina has always had a love for the ocean and everything "Cape Cod." She found herself the perfect home away from home at the University of Rhode Island and double majored in Sociology and Gender & Women’s Studies. After graduating, Christina came back to the Cape and started her journey at Cape Cod Life. She spends most of her free time with her family, especially her chocolate lab Sadie, and enjoys spending summers on her family’s boat.