Gunkholing: Cuttyhunk

Cape Cod Life  /  July 2022 /

Writer: Brian Shortsleeve

Gunkholing: Cuttyhunk


Cape Cod Life  /  July 2022 /

Writer: Brian Shortsleeve

Looking northeast over Copicut Neck
Photo by Brian Shortsleeve

When I began publishing Cape Cod Life 43 years ago, photography was a hobby of mine. I enjoyed photographing locations I most admired on the Cape & Islands. I had a long time interest in publishing and worked for a magazine publishing company in Boston for my first job after college.

In the late 70s I moved to the Cape on a year-round basis. And, I began to ask myself how I could combine my interests in photography, publishing and my love of the Cape & Islands. I thought what better way than to capture the natural beauty and share it with others who love the Cape & Islands. The first issue of Cape Cod Life came out in June of 1979.

Our six-page photo portfolio was a trademark section from day one. In the early 90s we began our annual special issue, Readers’ Choice of the Best of Cape Cod & Islands. Around the same time, we began our Annual Photo Contest. This year, 2022, we received over 80,000 votes from readers regarding the “Best Of” awards. And, I hope you saw the beautiful photo contest winners included in the same issue, June 2022.

My photo shown on this page is one of my favorite places in the whole world, the island of Cuttyhunk, the southern most of the Elizabeth Island chain extending 15 miles south from Woods Hole in Falmouth. 

Thank you to our many readers and advertisers for helping us to share the natural beauty of this area, which so many of us love so much.

My Best,

Brian Shortsleeve

Publisher, Cape Cod Life Publications

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Brian Shortsleeve

Brian Shortsleeve is the owner, publisher, and founder of Cape Cod Life Publications. His personal column, “Gunkholing,” has appeared in all issues of Cape Cod LIFE since the very first issue in 1979.