Spotlight: Chatham Jewelers
Cape Cod Life / November/December 2023 / People & Businesses
Writer: Cape Cod Life Publications
Spotlight: Chatham Jewelers

Cape Cod Life / November/December 2023 / People & Businesses
Writer: Cape Cod Life Publications
A History of Giving
Chatham Jewelers has been helping to perfect the art of gift giving for over 70 years.

With an accredited laboratory on site and four certified gemologists, Chatham Jewelers is serious about the art of gift giving and has been in the business of helping others create special moments for over four decades. “It’s such a big honor to be the local jeweler and to be part of people’s lives for so long,” third-generation jeweler and graduate gemologist Emily Porter shares. Her grandparents planted the company’s roots in Chatham’s Main Street in 1951 and the family has been living and working in the community ever since. The experienced staff at Chatham Jewelers is eager to assist you in the process of creating thoughtful gift ideas and have some ideas to share.
Porter says the store has created several new charms and other coastal themed pieces and even some that are symbolic specifically to Chatham. “We are constantly thinking about ways that people might connect with the Cape, and we have pieces that are representative of people’s experiences and their love for this special place. People come back to the Cape year after year and have fallen in love with it, so we try to encapsulate those memories in precious metals to take home with them.” Commemorate a Cape Cod weekend away with close friends or a family reunion by purchasing the same piece of jewelry for the attendees. Start a tradition that can be passed on through the generations with pieces like signet or crest rings or an engraved baby cup. They can even work with you to reconfigure and redesign family heirlooms.
Personalized gifts never go out of style and are always held dear. Significant life events like a new job, the purchase of a home, and even the passing of a loved one can be an occasion for memorable purchases. Chatham Jewelers can engrave key chains, money clips, picture frames, and even incorporate a loved one’s ashes into a piece of jewelry. Celebrating those you love all year round is easy with all the options at Chatham Jewelers.
Visit Chatham Jewelers at their iconic location at 532 Main Street and let them assist you in finding the perfect gift or online at chathamjewelerscapecod.com.