Gunk’holing: Shifting Sands
Cape Cod Life / August 2024 / Nature
Writer: Brian Shortsleeve / Photographer: Josh Shortsleeve
Gunk’holing: Shifting Sands

Cape Cod Life / August 2024 / Nature
Writer: Brian Shortsleeve / Photographer: Josh Shortsleeve

It seems impossible that merely during my lifetime, the precious entity—Cape Cod—which I have celebrated with our magazine, is diminishing to maybe someday never exist.
I suppose that is the truth for everyone. That recognition that the moments enjoyed today, will not endure forever. Yet, that doesn’t make me feel any better to think that the place I love most may not be here someday, even if it is long after I am gone and long after those I love have gone.
Re-visiting my son Joshua’s challenge of finding unique, and sometimes under-celebrated vistas across the Cape where he can capture photos to be shared with you, he has educated me on the beautiful spot known as Bearberry Hill East Summit in Truro. Accessed via the Pamet Cranberry Bog Trail, he tells me it is well-marked and an easy hike to the top where you can see the Atlantic Ocean and the break that occurred at Ballston Beach during the “No-Name Storm” that was later classified as a hurricane on Halloween in 1991.
Storms and breaks like these are thankfully uncommon, yet the daily erosion of each of the shorelines across the Cape is a very real thing. In 2017, we introduced a series of stories examining these phenomenon under a department called “The Changing Shape of the Cape.” Those stories are still available in our archives at capecodlife.com and while the landscape may have changed again since the original stories, they still make for a good read.
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