Next Wave: Horsley Witten Group
Cape Cod Home / Spring 2022 / People & Businesses
Writer: Rachel Walman
Next Wave: Horsley Witten Group

Cape Cod Home / Spring 2022 / People & Businesses
Writer: Rachel Walman
Horsley Witten Group, an environmental consulting firm located in Sandwich, is a collaborative group of engineers, scientists, and planners dedicated to doing work that moves their clients to a greater level of sustainability and resilience. Their projects span multiple types of services, from managing stormwater runoff to ecologically-friendly green infrastructure development to community planning and training – all centered around protecting water quality. The pages ahead highlight just a few of their young and rising stars, who are all determined to better our world by first tackling the problems in their own backyard. ~ by Rachel Walman
Mike Demanche, Environmental Scientist

Environmental Scientist
CCH: Tell me about how you first got involved with HW. Is there one aspect that drew you there in the first place?
MD: I met Mark Nelson, a principal at Horsley Witten (HW), at an alumni career event held by the geology department during college. I asked him for an internship when I learned that HW was just up the road from where I grew up in Mashpee. During that first summer, I enjoyed being able to jump right in on a variety of different projects at HW. I had great coworkers who made me feel like part of the team.
CCH: What is a typical day like for you?
MD: I am “in the office” (home office for the last few years,) most of the time, but I am in the field 1-2 days a week. My field work is typically either land surveying or collecting groundwater samples for analysis. One day I might be staking out the location of a proposed stormwater management structure, and the next day I’d be in a river measuring transects for a hydraulic analysis. When I’m in the office, projects might involve providing...Want to read this article and more?
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