On the Rise
Cape Cod Life / July 2023 / Food & Dining
Writer: Hannah Eaton
On the Rise

Cape Cod Life / July 2023 / Food & Dining
Writer: Hannah Eaton
So much more than bread, after three decades Pain D’Avignon has built a Cape Cod legacy.

After 31 years of business, some restaurants might think it’s time to settle down and stick to their basics, but not Pain D’Avignon. With their restaurant and wholesale business booming, as well as a burgeoning New York City café market, the next step will be a pizzeria and coffee roaster connected to its current facility in Hyannis. “People get write-ups about new businesses all the time, but we’re always doing something new. We’re an old business that revamps every two years,” says founder Vojin Vujosevic with a laugh.
Located in Hyannis, a stone’s throw from the Cape Cod Gateway Airport, Pain D’Avignon has become a fixture in the Cape community over the decades. Besides being an accomplished bakery and restaurant, complete with its celebrated Red Bar, Cape residents and visitors alike can hardly go more than a jaunt up Route 6 without coming across Pain D’Avignon artisanal breads displayed in independent and chain supermarket store windows—and neither would they want to. With its ever-expanding reach on the Cape and across New England, as well as its growing cultural base, Pain D’Avignon has never been better.
“We think of ourselves more as purveyors of fine food and culture, rather than restauranters,” says Chief Operating Officer Mario Mariani.
Founders Vojin Vujosevic, Branislav Stamenkovic, Toma Stamenkovic, and Uliks Fehmiu began the business in 1992, after the childhood friends made the move from Belgrade, in former Yugoslavia, to New York to Hyannis. Originally operating out of a small storefront on Main Street, the business...Want to read this article and more?
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