Shorethings: ChappyWrap
Cape Cod Home / Winter 2023 / People & Businesses
Writer: Leslie Hatton
Shorethings: ChappyWrap
Cape Cod Home / Winter 2023 / People & Businesses
Writer: Leslie Hatton
Wrap it up in style
Whether it’s for comfort or snuggling, ChappyWrap aims to be your favorite blanket for all of life’s moments.
From the time we are babies, and a nurse swaddles us in the hospital, blankets serve the purpose of comforting us. We reach for them when we’re cold or when we want to curl up with a favorite book or movie; we pack them for a day at the beach and we bring them along to sporting events. We keep them at the foot of our beds or on the back of a chair or sofa—neatly folded or casually tossed, and we all can agree that without a doubt, we have a favorite. It might be because it’s the softest, or maybe it’s the largest, or maybe it’s a favorite because it holds a special meaning.
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