Smart Cookies
Cape Cod Home / Winter 2023 / Food & Dining
Writer: Julie Craven Wagner
Smart Cookies

Cape Cod Home / Winter 2023 / Food & Dining
Writer: Julie Craven Wagner
Hatchville Baking Company in Mashpee Commons has success baked into their recipe.

If bright ideas were a dime a dozen, you would be smart to get a baker’s dozen. But bright ideas are not as common as we might like; unless of course you happen to have grown up in the Corner household, in the sleepy village of Hatchville, nestled into the woods of Falmouth. Sarah Corner, a mother of four was naturally a busy Mom with plenty of moving parts—the kind of Mom with the sort of busy household that all the kids loved to visit, if for no other reason than the delicious smells that wafted from her kitchen on a regular basis as she was known for baking the most amazing cookies. “All four of us have friends who love our mother for many reasons, not the least of which are her cookies,” Hannah Corner, the eldest, says with a broad grin.
Corner baked the cookies for her cookie jar on her kitchen counter, and as a special treat after her children’s various sporting events, and for meetings, get togethers and celebrations; it seemed her cookies were always welcome guests, and the reviews started generating a buzz within the community. “Everyone always said, ‘You should sell these,’” Sarah recalls. “At some point you start to wonder, ‘What if?’”
That good idea led to farmers’ markets and local craft and artisan bazaars. The Corner’s family kitchen did its best to keep up with the increased production which always fell short of the demand. It was only natural that Sarah had to consider making her hobby a “real” business. A lease for a small space at 48...Want to read this article and more?
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