Emerging Artists: Masters in the Making

Cape Cod Art  /  ART Annual 2019 / ,

Writer: Allyson Plessner

Emerging Artists: Masters in the Making

Cape Cod Art  /  ART Annual 2019 / ,

Writer: Allyson Plessner

Four local artists creatively celebrate the Cape and its artistic future

From sand dunes to marshes, bustling beaches to still winter mornings, storm-riled seas to quiet wooded paths, the Cape is a work of art in itself—one that has inspired generations of artists across the region and beyond. As artist Marc Chagall once said, “Great art picks up where nature ends,” and if that’s the case then it’s no wonder the Cape and Islands cultivate so many creative minds.

In the following pages, we celebrate artists at the precipice of their careers, ready to bear the torch of those who came before them and continue to bring a culture of vibrant, diverse talent to the region. Their unique world views, auspicious color palettes and daring brushstrokes paint a portrait of a lively future for the arts, one that is sure to be just as mindful as it is beautiful.

The life of a Cape Cod artist is one of synergistic give and take in that the artist shapes the region just as much as the region shapes them. As these four young artists step into the future of the Cape Cod arts scene, we’re confident that they’ll continue to bring life and beauty to the region, in the same way that our surrounding landscape brings them boundless inspiration, and we hope that you’ll enjoy seeing Cape Cod through their imaginative eyes.

Allyson Plessner

Allyson Plessner is a former editorial intern for Cape Cod Life and now works for the publication as a staff writer and digital media coordinator. Born in Florida, Allyson has been a lifelong summer resident of the Cape. She is a recent alumna of the College of Charleston, located in Charleston, South Carolina, where she completed bachelor’s degrees in both English and Spanish. In her free time, Allyson is an avid sailor, beach-goer, and—like her fellow Cape Cod Life colleagues—a dog-lover.