
Seamless Sensibilities

Cape Cod Life  /  September/October 2022 /

Writer: Susanna Graham-Pye

Seamless Sensibilities


Cape Cod Life  /  September/October 2022 /

Writer: Susanna Graham-Pye

In some ways, Joan Peters and Sara Campbell are as different as night and day.

Sara is a baby boomer; octogenarian Joan is of the generation that didn’t name every generation. Sara grew up on the West Coast; Joan on the East. Sara’s shops have a spare cottage vibe; while Joan’s shop is corner to corner, imagination-evoking whimsy. 

One woman has spent her life seeking out unusual beautiful fabrics; the other started making her own when she couldn’t find what she wanted. Sara Campbell (left) and Joan Peters.

One woman has spent her life seeking out unusual beautiful fabrics; the other started making her own when she couldn’t find what she wanted. 

While they are different, there is much that unites the two, whose strength, creativity, and determination are abundantly evident. The urge to create fills each woman’s spirit and has driven them to successful and satisfying careers in textile arts and design. They share a passion for fabric – its history, the process of making it, and its uses. As children and young women, both were wrapped in the support, encouragement and belief of their mothers.

Sara grew up in La Jolla, California, with five siblings, and began sewing at the age of six, making dresses for her dolls. 

As a youngster, Sara saved every bit of allowance and babysitting money to buy fabric. Recognizing her daughter’s passion, Sara’s mother enrolled her in a sewing class at the Singer Sewing Center. 

When Sara graduated from University of California at Davis, her goal was to make a living while being creative. 

“I was bound and determined to be able to support myself,” she recalls. “My mother was a...

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