A Day in the Life: 18 towns and the people that make them remarkable
Cape Cod Life / 2018 Annual / Art & Entertainment, Food & Dining, Home, Garden & Design, People & Businesses, Recreation & Activities
Writer: Cape Cod Life Publications / Photographer: Paige Biviano and Teagan Anne
A Day in the Life: 18 towns and the people that make them remarkable

Cape Cod Life / 2018 Annual / Art & Entertainment, Food & Dining, Home, Garden & Design, People & Businesses, Recreation & Activities
Writer: Cape Cod Life Publications / Photographer: Paige Biviano and Teagan Anne
Check out these 18 profiles on 18 people who make the Cape & Islands remarkable!
Upper Cape
Bourne: Col. Virginia Doonan, commander of the 102nd Intelligence Wing at Otis Air National Guard Base
Falmouth: Karen Rinaldo, local artist and community leader
Sandwich: Paula Johnson, executive director of Sandwich Community Television
Mashpee: Rodney Collins, Mashpee town manager and former chief of police
Mid Cape
Barnstable: David Kuehn, executive director of the Cotuit Center for the Arts
Yarmouth: Duncan Oliver, local historian and member of the Historical Society of Old Yarmouth
Dennis: Chris Lambton, landscaper and television personality
Lower Cape
Brewster: Sally Gunning, author and president of the Brewster Historical Society
Harwich: Leo Cakounes, cranberry farmer and chairman of the Barnstable County Board of Regional Commissioners
Chatham: John Our, fisherman, Chatham native and member of Cape Cod Commercial Fishermen’s Alliance
Orleans: Bonnie Snow, historian, volunteer, researcher and member of the Orleans Historical Society Board of Directors
Outer Cape
Eastham: Sarah Wilcox, co-owner of the Eastham Superette and president of the family firm
Wellfleet: Lisa Brown, teacher, activist, world traveler and founder of the Wellfleet OysterFest
Truro: Francie Randolph, artist, co-founder of Truro Agricultural Fair and founder of Sustainable CAPE
Provincetown: Stormy Mayo, founder and director of the Right Whale Ecology Program, Center for Coastal Studies