Artist Profiles: The Courage of Creativity
A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others. ~ Salvadore Dali The following pages are an exploration of 22 creative individuals who have chosen to embrace their inner voice that urges them to create and express in their own…
Read MoreArtist Profile: Phyllis Dobbyn Adams
If Alice of Wonderland fame were to rent a cabin on the Outer Cape, she’d feel most at home in a room furnished with the Tipsy Tables that artist Phyllis Dobbyn Adams depicts in her new series of paintings. Adams created these abstracted still lifes…
Read MoreArtist Profile: Karri Allrich
A woman stands, back turned on the beach, her right hand at her brow, elbow crooked just above the ocean’s horizon, her flaxen-strawberry hair spun upward in a bun aligned with a glowing break in the clouds. Waves crest and crash along the sand, and…
Read MoreArtist Profile: Tamalin Baumgarten
Musician Bob Dylan is often credited as saying, “The purpose of art is to stop time.” For artist Tamalin Baumgarten that has proven true. Even from a young age, she recalls, “I loved art class because it was a subject that grabbed my focus, and…
Read MoreArtist Profile: Carol Bennett
Peace—a feeling that is ever present when you’re submerged underwater, floating in quiet stillness looking up at an ethereal world covered by ripples and waves waiting for you to re-emerge as the need to breathe slowly reminds you that you’re human—a familiar sensati…
Read MoreArtist Profile: Cynthia Cruz
As a little girl, Cynthia Cruz fell in love with color perhaps without realizing it. Born in New Bedford and raised in Taunton in a Portuguese family, Cruz would accompany her grandmother, a seamstress, and her mother, a buyer for a clothing store, to Boston.…
Read MoreArtist Profile: Paula David
After a long career as a senior-level marketing executive and brand strategist in financial services and higher education, Paula David has rediscovered her love for painting and fulfilled her lifelong dream of being a full-time artist on Cape Cod. Along the way, she found a&…
Read MoreArtist Profile: Arthur Egeli
Thomas Wolfe said, “You can’t go home again,” and despite some intentional efforts, Provincetown artist, gallery owner and filmmaker Arthur Egeli has defied Wolfe’s assertion. Egeli, who grew up in Provincetown as the third generation of significant artists in one of…
Read MoreArtist Profile: Julia Felsenthal
For artists like Julia Felsenthal, there is no better subject than the personal. Or, as Henry Ward Beecher put it, “Every artist dips his brush in his own soul and paints his own nature into his pictures.” In her unique portraits and breathtaking landscapes, Felsenthal&h…
Read MoreArtist Profile: Nicholas Heaney
For artist Nicholas Heaney, finding respite in art has not been just a diversion from the world around him but a necessity in learning how to connect to it. Heaney often struggled socially and academically throughout his school-aged years, but he persisted despite his diffic…
Read MoreArtist Profile: Amy Heller
“It’s everything,” Amy Heller says about Cape Cod. “I think in my daily existence, I need to be surrounded by water—I just love the light, the color, and the smell.” Heller, an experimental artist living in Orleans, has been creating art on the Cape since…
Read MoreArtist Profile: Jessica Hicks
With the phrase that parents often say to their children, “You’re not going to sit around all summer!” a passion and career was born for jewelry artist Jessica Hicks. It was in high school when Hicks was unemployed for the summer when her mother laid…
Read MoreArtist Profile: Peter Kalill
Peter Kalill spent his college summers drawing caricatures in an amusement park. Upon graduation in 1995, the Springfield native moved to the Cape—but not as a professional artist, even though he had been an art major. Waiting tables, bartending, and then building houses, …
Read MoreArtist Profile: Claire Kendrick
Looking outwards onto the blustery Atlantic Ocean amid a storm from both America’s easterly outcrop and Europe’s westerly outcrop brings a sense of home for artist, Claire Kendrick. “Cape Cod is America’s most easterly outcrop and whenever I go back to my homeland in…
Read MoreArtist Profile: Andrew Kusmin
It was only a couple of years after Andrew Kusmin opened his first dental practice that he fell back into his first love; painting. “I was a good boy,” he says, explaining why he had gone to dental school. “I was expected to be able…
Read MoreArtist Profile: Yukimi Matsumoto
Glass artist Yukimi Matsumoto grew up in the bustling city of Osaka, Japan. Her extended family ran a sushi restaurant and she and her siblings often went there after school, watching in awe as the chefs worked their magic. “They were like craftsmen, they knew…
Read MoreArtist Profile: Neil McAuliffe
Oil painter Neil McAuliffe was born in Providence, Rhode Island, and moved to Hyannis in ‘68 when he was four years old. Growing up surrounded by the natural beauty of the Cape influenced McAuliffe’s desire to capture the bucolic scenes on paper. A graduate of…
Read MoreArtist Profile: Erna Partoll
“It’s hard to leave Provincetown,” says painter Erna Partoll. “Every season is beautiful, even the winters.” In her 53rd year at the top of the Cape, she should know. The Swiss artist left the mountains of her home country at age 21, then lived in…
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