Author: Leslie Hatton

Leslie (Horne) Hatton enthusiastically joined Cape Cod Life in October of 2022. Educated in Mashpee and Falmouth, she graduated from Assumption College and received her Master of Education degree from Lesley College. A former teacher, she has taught middle school, preschool and most recently, fifth grade. She and her husband Tom have three children: Aidan, Colin, and Erin. Their newest family member is Millie, an outgoing, outrageously happy chocolate lab. She loves to talk about all of them so better not ask. One neat tidbit about Leslie is that she is the author of the locally best-selling children’s book Cape Cod ABCs, with over 10K books sold on Cape Cod, the Islands and across Massachusetts. Happiest in the summer with a little sun on her face, she loves being with friends and her family, laughing, drinking and eating all over beautiful Cape Cod.

Articles By Name:

Next Wave: Victor Rebello

Meet Victor Rebello, a master of color knowledge with years of experience to help you make the perfect paint selections and suggest decorating tips.

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Full Circle

The past, present and future of this Lecount Hollow beach home are intertwined with its owner; proving that home is where the heart is.

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A Place for Tomorrow

Design, detail and dedication to how a space works, ensures a home for the future.

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Designs from Yesteryear for today, tomorrow and beyond…

TrimBoard not only crafts beautiful moldings and millwork, but they also provide a worry-free future.

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Next Wave: Georgia Zikas

For Connecticut-based interior designer Georgia Zikas, nothing happens by accident. With Massachusetts roots and plans to expand on Cape Cod,…

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